Site icon Nancy Kay Brown

Is this it?

Today Liza is gone.  She is sick. Mommy and Liza are at the hospital.  Ellie has a bad cold, RSV, which is common in the Fall and can create bad pneumonia for babies.  But this sick is more about mommy and daddy.  They kept Liza there because of suspected neglect.  OMG.  I drove back early from an out of town meeting to catch the CPS social worker  ready to call the sheriff.  Ready to assign a foster family.  Your sister lost too much weight.  You were with Grandpa.  Daddy was at work.  Mommy was defensive and had to get home for a break so I arrived and met with the CPS worker.  Bad.  Its bad.  Its really bad news for your family, our family.

Your sister is skinny.  Mommy and daddy are not too good at their jobs as parents. That’s the problem. That’s what has always been the problem.  Now the social workers are noticing.  Breathe. I should have taken you before this, Liza too. Just taken you.

Let’s you and I go to New Leaf to get some food.  Let’s pretend I am just your Grandma.  Not the one in your life taking care.  Not anything special.  Not a foster mom, grand mom, a co-parent.  Please, not that.  I long to be an old lady, someone’s grandma, my husbands old wife.  That’s all.  Not a mom of a one-year and a 3 year old.  Not that.  But what about you?  What do you need?  What works for you? I do. I know. I do.

Martyr me goes to the store.  Boy in cart.  Baby at the hospital.  Grandma’s burden.  Choosing odd things to eat, we are trying out for our parts in this new act.  Its inevitable, real. Am I a co-mom?  UGH.  That really hurts.  Today is not a good day.  Today, your mommy blows it.  Today your daddy does the laundry and asks me what to do.  Today you and I plant potatoes.  The CPS worker checks my criminal record. Today we eat halibut.  Today we get you to bed at my house.  Tonight you say, I love you Grandma.  Tonight you brush your teeth just like I do and pull up your jammies like Grandpa does.  Tonight you sleep in my room.  Tonight, little buddy, you are safe. Asleep.  Liza and Mommy at the hospital.  Tonight things change forever.   gma.

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